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Outpatient Rehab for the San Jose Area

It was also mentioned that there is an increased need for safety and security parallel to increasing age. Some of the SHTs that were mentioned include monitoring sensors, house alarms, cameras, voice commands, and innovative kitchen design. Outpatient rehab is for those who are stepping down from a residential program or simply don’t need as much supervision during treatment. Here, they offer both short term and long term programs to fit your needs. The hours are flexible and you can keep working and living at home while you participate in their services. Some of the outpatient services they offer include counseling, psychoeducation, family groups, relapse prevention courses and discharge planning.

Melissa began her journey with Support Systems Homes in 2001, when she was first introduced to recovery. Since then, she’s gained over 18 years of experience performing clerical and administrative operations Support Systems. She decided to change career paths and returned to college for Alcohol and Drug Studies. She is currently a Drug and Alcohol Counselor at Support Systems Homes. She has been an LVN for over 25 years specializing in Mental Health; Forensics; Substance Abuse and Geriatrics.

Before entering the counseling field, Jeff worked various jobs in the tech industry and hospitality services, which helped give him a deepened understanding of software including electronic medical records systems. Mr. Delke completed his education for substance abuse in 2014 and maintains a certification of Alcohol and Drug certificate Level III domestically and internationally. Mr. Jeff Delke started his career with Support Systems as a residential counselor in 2017. In 2019, he stepped away to gain more experience in the treatment field and insurance processing. In 2021 he came back to Support Systems Homes as the Clinical Supervisor. Your rehab program must provide you with a solid foundation the whole time.

Alcohol Recovery and Depression: Why You (May) Feel Depressed After Quitting Drinking

Rehabilitation is not just limited to bringing an individual out of addiction and achieving sobriety. It is considered complete only when an individual starts leading a normal and balanced life. Life skill therapy focuses on the various skills that helps an individual to lead a normal life.

Here to Help You Reclaim Your Life

Our counselors facilitate educational groups and work with you one on one. We provide all necessary evaluations and assessments to start you on outpatient treatment. You’ll develop an individualized treatment plan with us, identifying the achievable personal goals that will make your life better. Support Systems Homes offers outpatient treatment at convenient locations in San Jose. LegitScript is a private certification body for safe addiction treatment services & advertising.

Centers near Support Systems Homes – 264 North Morrison Avenue

  • Similar to a study conducted by Street et al. 38, participants demonstrated cautious and conditional acceptance of SHT.
  • In individual therapy, a patient meets one-on-one with a trained psychologist or counselor.
  • It is used to remove any residual toxins left in your body (and brain) after using drugs, and it is used with the intent to help you or your loved one complete drug rehab.
  • Day treatment is available for some clients, including those living in one of the center’s sober living houses.
  • Clients entering residential treatment first participate in an orientation and assessment to help acclimate them to the program.

We also offer legal system advocacy, transportation to appointments, medication monitoring, healthy snacks and meals, access to fitness equipment, and recreational opportunities during treatment. The 12 step program is the treatment method used by Alcoholics Anonymous, but it can apply to any type of addiction. It outlines the 12 steps addicts should take on the path to recovery. Steps include admitting you have a problem and making the decision to turn your life around. A belief in a higher power and making amends to others are also part of the program.

support systems homes

Free Rehab Centers

Moreover, recognising the non-linear adoption process implies that support and information provided to users must be continuous rather than limited to the initial phase of SHT adoption. Practical applications of such user support could include possibilities for long-term training and ongoing cost-free technical support, ensuring SHT are used to their full potential as users’ circumstances change. Participants who had experienced and installed various SHTs expressed a positive impact on quality of life, having more comfortable living than before.

Support Systems Homes, Inc. works with several private insurance providers and also accepts private payments when possible, please contact to verify your specific insurance provider. Reviews comments must comply with our Review Policy Content Standards. Please do not use names (job titles / positions are acceptable) of any individual or identifying features, abusive remarks, or allegations of negligence or criminal activity.

We focused on SHT, which had been highlighted by current and future older adults in previous studies 18,26. The selection of SHT installed at the MoRe-Lab included commonly available SHT that we considered applicable across different generations (Table 3). An inpatient is a person who stays in a hospital or rehab center during treatment.

Mr. Marquez also has experience in carpentry and held a position at the Pinnacles National Park. His strengths are in his experience in the ever-changing substance abuse field. Jeff is currently a second year Student in the MFT program and is scheduled to complete and graduate in the first half of 2023. She is a compassionate leader who understands our clients and works with staff to ensure that they receive the best care possible. Bob also assembled the team that makes sure SSH maintains the highest accreditation from CARF (the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) International. He is dedicated to helping clients and their families overcome the devastation caused by substance abuse.

Perceived advantages of SHT.

For example, a voice-activated system that can control the home environment or request emergency assistance would have a greater impact on an older adult’s quality of life. Our findings reveal high interest in SHTs with intelligent analytics and AI-driven functions. However, these functions are also seen as underdeveloped in terms of user and personalisation opportunities. Similar to a study conducted by Street et al. 38, participants demonstrated cautious and conditional acceptance of SHT.

As Lead Intake Coordinator, Sharon assists clients with finding the right treatment program for their situation. Sober Houses Rules That You Should Follow She also supervises legal communications for clients, and helps oversee our sober living homes. She has been involved with Support Systems Homes in various capacities since 2002, including helping to run the bi-weekly seminars that were provided for our sober living home residents. In every Sober Living Environment we post a house manager and assistant manager for supervision and guidance. They will ensure that the homes offer structure and strong peer support.

The average stay is around days, but this can be adjusted as clinically appropriate. Residential treatment clients benefit from living with others who have gone through similar experiences. You’ll be paired with another resident—a “peer buddy”—upon admission.

support systems homes

This can lead to products and services that are more likely to be accepted and directly address the specifications and functions of SHT identified as essential to support everyday activity. Our findings contribute to the knowledge of which avenue of SHT implementation can better support user engagement in everyday activities. Moreover, the perceived need for SHT that can support engagement in everyday activity varies among individuals in different age groups, highlighting an intra- and intergenerational variation.

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